Thursday, May 5, 2011

4 Month Love Letter!

My sweet baby boy LeBron,

I cannot even believe that you are 4 months old. It seems like yesterday you were kicking me all day and given me the worst heartburn ever. Now, you are here and getting so big. You weigh 15lbs and 4.5 ounces, 25 3/ inches long and your head is 17inches round! You are the sweetest baby. You love to cuddle with mommy and smile and giggle at daddy. You are now grabbing your toys and everything still goes directly into your mouth. You brighten every ones day whenever they see you. You are loved by so many people and are truly so blessed. We lost your Great Grandma Smith (Jones) last week but we are so grateful that you got to spend time with her. We will always tell you the story how you made Grandma Smile from ear to ear when she saw you in the Hospital. You would just talk and talk in her room and make everyone smile and the right moment. She loved you very much and called you her "Boy". We all love you so very much Lebron and again are so proud of all of your accomplishments so far. I ask that the Lord continue to Bless you everyday. I Love you with all my heart.

Happy 4 months baby boy!

Love always,

You proud Mama!

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