Sunday, March 6, 2011

2 Months Love Letter!

My sweet baby boy Lebron,

I cannot even believe that you are already 2 months old. You have changed so much since you were born. You are now Smiling all of the time and I must say you have the cutest smile in the world! You are cooing and talking as much as you can and love it when your daddy sings to you you always try and sing back. You have been sleeping through the night for 2 weeks now and we really apprecaite it. You love to snuggle with me and I have to say that I Love the fact that you are a mama's boy!Everyday you do something different and everyday you make mommy and daddy fall more and more in love with you. You are the BEST thing to have ever happend in our lives and we love you soooooooo very much. Happy 2 months Baby Boy!

Love Always,

Your Proud Mama

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