Saturday, January 29, 2011

1 Month Love Letter!
My Dear Baby Boy LeBron,

Today you are 1 month old. I cannot even believe it. It feels like it was just yesterday that you were kicking me in my tummy and making me have the worst heartburn ever and now you are here in your home cooing, pooing, drooling and squirming all over. You have brought so much Joy to our lives and everyone that meets you. As your mom words cannot express how much I Love you. You make life so beautiful and I am so honored to be your mom. You keep your Daddy, Gizmo and I up all night long and sleep all day and we are okay with that for now! You are very chill just like your parents but have no problem letting us know when you are hungry or want a little TLC. You weighed in today at your 1 month appt at 10pounds 8.6ounces and 22 3/4 inches long. You are very healthy and just keep on getting cuter and cuter. We cannot wait for all of your first to begin. You have changed our lives forever and we are so proud of you. Thank you Jesus for blessing us with this beautiful baby.
All our Love LeBron,
Love Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. He is SUCH a stud! Seriously, did you EVER dream he would be so perfect!?!?! We have been SOOO sick over here, but I am dying to get a hold of that boy!!!!

    Great work Jones family!!!
