Saturday, November 27, 2010

Were Having a Baby! I'm 35 weeks and growing more and more each day. This picture is me at 30 weeks. Big and healthy. It has been an amazing 30 weeks let me tell you. We found out that we were having a baby on Mothers Day 2010. It was a blessed day but, we were shocked. We could not believe that we were going to have a baby.

On August 20th my 29th Birthday we found out that we were going to have a son! Lance and I were both positive it was a girl so this took a minute to set in. Needless to say we are thrilled and cannot wait to meet our lil man Lance LeBron Jones!

I have been sick everyday at 7:05am exactly each morning. I have learned to embrace this just go with the flow. The first 9 weeks nothing would make me feel better that a swig of pickle juice straight out of the jar. Today, I don't want to even smell pickle juice. Although my husband thought it was the most disgusting thing ever he would buy me jar after jar since it would always make me feel better. Him and I are both glad these days are over. LeBron loves it when his daddy sings to him at night and when I wake him up with warm hot cocoa each morning. He is growing each day in fact growing so much that he is 2 weeks ahead of schedule just by his size. At 32 weeks he was already measuring in at 5.5 pounds!
These days I just want to sleep or I should say try and sleep. LeBron likes to play all night long kicking and punching mommy. We have about 4 weeks to go and then are lives are forever changed and we cannot wait! We cannot wait to meet him, hug him, kiss him and introduce him to all of our family and friends! God has blessed us in our marriage and now with our family and we are so grateful!

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